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Re: HP Pavilion 15-eg0015nw DA0G7HMB8G0. Podczas pracy przestał ładować.
da Google Adsense [BOT] • 11 gennaio 2024, 21:50
matic ha scritto:sq6kxu ha scritto:W laptopie odpadł dławik PL8200.Hello!
What do you mean by that? Did that coil burn, or was it physically ripped off the board?
While the laptop was working, it suddenly stopped charging. It ran completely on battery power alone. After removing the rear cover, the choke was glued to it from the outside. It is swollen and overheated.
matic ha scritto:sq6kxu ha scritto:Czy dobrze widzę że to jest na schemacie jako ( pc82 4 )??It's something wrong with your schematic.
PC8214= 10µF/25V, package 0603
I thought so.
#4 Re: HP Pavilion Model: 15-eg0015nw. Podczas pracy przestał ładować, działał na baterii. [RISOLTO]
da matic • 13 gennaio 2024, 17:15
Remove the damaged capacitor PC8214 from the board and measure the resistance to ground on any pin of resistor PR8201.
If the resistance is high (in kΩ range or greater), solder a functional capacitor and coil that burned and test the board.
PS: Edit your first post with the motherboard marking code according to the moderator's request, otherwise it will not ends good.
If the resistance is high (in kΩ range or greater), solder a functional capacitor and coil that burned and test the board.
PS: Edit your first post with the motherboard marking code according to the moderator's request, otherwise it will not ends good.
#5 Re: HP Pavilion Model: 15-eg0015nw. Podczas pracy przestał ładować, działał na baterii.
da sq6kxu • 15 gennaio 2024, 21:55
matic ha scritto:Remove the damaged capacitor PC8214 from the board and measure the resistance to ground on any pin of resistor PR8201.
If the resistance is high (in kΩ range or greater), solder a functional capacitor and coil that burned and test the board.
Resistance measurement at 400 kOhm on both sides of PR820.
A new capacitor and coil are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I will let you know about the results after soldering.
After replacing the PL8200 2.2uH coil and the Pc8214 10uF/25V package 0603 capacitor.
The laptop is working properly.
Thank you for your help.
Re: HP Pavilion Model: 15-eg0015nw. Podczas pracy przestał ładować, działał na baterii.
da Google Adsense [BOT] • 15 gennaio 2024, 21:55
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