• Samsung Led TV UE48JU6410U / stanby led in loop on/off, and won't turn on (Solved)

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#1 Samsung Led TV UE48JU6410U / stanby led in loop on/off, and won't turn on (Solved)

Napisal/-a Zemog 15 Februar 2024, 12:52
Hello everyone. I have a Samsung UE48JU6410U television, which, when the power is turned on, the standby LED starts flashing and remains in a loop without ever entering sleep mode or turning on.

It has a BN44-00807D power supply. I checked to see if there were any shorted diodes or mosfets, but everything seems correct.
I have replaced the capacitors, CM855 to CM858 (470uf 25V), CM862 and CM863 (33uf 250V), C9371 (47uf) 50V, because although physically they seemed fine, when the supply is connected to the MAIN, slight clicking noises are heard in that area . The noise coincides in the following way: when the standby LED goes off you can hear it, and when the LED is on it is silent.

With the Power Supply empty (with nothing connected), I have checked the voltages on the CNM803 connector, and all the voltages are very unstable except pin 2 (ANA_DIM), which is stable at 3.2V

The value on the rest of the pins are:
Pins 3, 5, 7, 9 (A13V)... Very unstable
Pin 4 OD_ON/OFF ... 2.5V to 4V unstable
Pin 1 Fail_count...0V
Pin 6 PWM Blu...2V to 3.5V unstable
Pin 8 POWER ON .... 3V to 5V Unstable

Can somebody help me?

Re: Samsung Led TV UE48JU6410U / stanby led in loop on/off, and won't turn on (Solved)

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 15 Februar 2024, 12:52

#2 Re: Samsung Led TV UE48JU6410U / stanby led in loop on/off, and won't turn on

Napisal/-a Zemog 16 Februar 2024, 13:26
I have connected the source to the MAIN and performed the measurements on CNM803 with it connected, the behavior being as follows:
When the standby light is on, the voltages are stable:
Fail Count...3.2V
ANA DIM...3.2V
OD_ON/OFF ... 3.2V

However, when the standby light goes off the values are:
A13V...the voltage drops to 3.1V then rises to 9V and then to 12.7V because it comes back on standby
Fail Count, ANA DIM, OD_ ON/OFF ... Drop to 0V
PWM_BLU .. When the standby LED turns off, it has a peak between 1.5V and 3V, and then drops to 0V. When the standby LED comes back on, the 3.2V returns

I have been able to get another source (supposedly working well), and the measurements without anything connected are also unstable, which is why I interpret that this source model, to have stable voltages, must be connected to the MAIN. Likewise, when connecting the new source used to the MAIN, the behavior is the same.

I have tried connecting the MAIN and the LEDs, leaving the flex to t-con disconnected but the error continues.

Is it possible that the fault is in the MAIN?

#3 Re: Samsung Led TV UE48JU6410U / stanby led in loop on/off, and won't turn on

Napisal/-a Zemog 7 Marec 2024, 11:40
The problem has been solved and the TV has been repaired.
The fault was in one of the LED strips, which had been replaced months before. One of the LEDs was causing overconsumption, which caused the TV to protect itself and restart.
It has been replaced and the TV now works fine

Re: Samsung Led TV UE48JU6410U / stanby led in loop on/off, and won't turn on

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 7 Marec 2024, 11:40

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