• Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

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Re: Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 15 marca 2024, 17:38

#22 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 15 marca 2024, 20:03
Zemog napisał(a):OKAY. At this moment and after changing, KBC, the damaged and erroneous chip, the board has the following voltages, let's see if someone can help me again.
+3VL ... 3,18V
+5VLP ... 4,77V
+5VALW ... 5V
+3VALW, +1,8VAWL, ... 0V

EC_ON:3V# ... 3V

Pin 79 (APU3VALW_EN) ... 2,70V
Pin 86 (PBTN_OUT#) ... 0V
Pin 93 EC_RSMRST#R ... 0V
Pin 110 (ON/OFF_R) ... 3.1V and when you press the power button the value drops to 0V

I have changed KBC again and the values that have changed with respect to this previous measurement are:

+3VALW ... 0,93V
EC_ON3V# ... 0V
KBC pin 79 (APU3VALW_EN) ... 0V
The rest of the measurements are the same and EC_RSMRST# continues at 0V

#24 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 16 marca 2024, 12:44
I have reprogrammed BIOS and dodo is still the same.
Bios is powered with +1.8VALW and while this is at 0V the BIOS will not work, right? All UC3 pins are at 0V

#26 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 19 marca 2024, 11:03
Machine napisał(a):Mida los voltajes en los pines 4, 5, 16, 18, 19, 27 de PU1901.

Pin 4 ... 0,93V
Pin 5 ... 0V
Pin 16 ... 2,94V
Pin 18 ... 0V
Pin 19 ... 5,08V
Pin 27 ... 3,65V

#28 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 20 marca 2024, 12:55
Machine napisał(a):Mida el voltaje y la resistencia a tierra del PL1902.

8K 0V

Machine napisał(a):Mida el voltaje y la resistencia a tierra en todas las bobinas.

PL1901 ... 40 Ohm 0v
PL1903 ... 60K 0V
PL5901 ... 5 Ohm 0V
PL5902 ... 5 Ohm 0V
PL5903 ... 3,5 Ohm 0V
PL 401 ... 13K 0,94V
PL 402 ... 250k 5,08V

#30 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 21 marca 2024, 11:54
Pin 1 ... 3V
Pin 2 ... 20V
Pin 7 ... 0V
Pin 8 ... 19,84V
Pin 9 ... 0V

#31 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 22 marca 2024, 13:13
In PU401 EC_ON_3V (pin 9) must be present for the +3VALW_P output to be activated, is that correct?
EC_ON_3V is currently at 0V and instead at +3VALW_P I have 0.90V, why?

#33 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 25 marca 2024, 12:33
Pin 13 (+3VLP) ... 3,18V

#35 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 25 marca 2024, 20:00
I can try to re-solder the original or previous KBC to see if the voltages are restored to the previous ones, and at the same time I will order new KBCs from other places, in case this batch has been defective.
The 2 KBC that I have placed correspond to the same order

#37 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 4 kwietnia 2024, 12:57
Zemog napisał(a):OKAY. At this moment and after changing, KBC, the damaged and erroneous chip, the board has the following voltages, let's see if someone can help me again.
+3VL ... 3,18V
+5VLP ... 4,77V
+5VALW ... 5V
+3VALW, +1,8VAWL, ... 0V

EC_ON:3V# ... 3V

Pin 79 (APU3VALW_EN) ... 2,70V
Pin 86 (PBTN_OUT#) ... 0V
Pin 93 EC_RSMRST#R ... 0V
Pin 110 (ON/OFF_R) ... 3.1V and when you press the power button the value drops to 0V

The chip nomenclature is the same

After changing to the previous chip, the values are the same as before.

I'm going to solder another new KBC from another seller that I received and see if it's a batch error.

#38 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 5 kwietnia 2024, 19:34
I have re-soldered a new KBC from another seller and they have changed some voltage but they are still bad
Now the measurements are these:
3VL ... 3.18V
+5VLP ... 4.85V
+5VALW ... 5,08V
+3VALW... 1,35V
+1.8VAWL, ... 0,1V

EC_ON:3V# ... 3,15V

Pin 79 (APU3VALW_EN) ... 3,13V
Pin 86 (PBTN_OUT#) ... 2,34v
Pin 93 EC_RSMRST#R ... 0V
Pin 110 (ON/OFF_R) ... 3V and when you press the power button the value drops to 0V

In this case, the processor heats up

#40 Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Zemog 6 kwietnia 2024, 10:35
Measure the resistance to ground of PL1902.


Machine napisał(a):Open PJ1904 and measure the voltage on PL1902.


Machine napisał(a):Measure the voltages on pins 16, 27 of PU1901

Pin 16... When the power is connected it gives a peak of 2V and immediately drops to 0V
Pin 27... 3,65V

Re: Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ADA05 / NM-C821 / It does not turn on

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 6 kwietnia 2024, 10:35

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