• HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

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#1 HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 21 Marec 2024, 17:53
Tak jak w tytule, laptop bez najmniejszych oznak życia. Bateria 0.1v, spuchnięta. Płyta testowana na 2 oryginalnych sprawnych zasilaczach. Gdzie najlepiej wpiąć się zasilaczem serwisowym na b+ (PD1002?), czy da się jakoś pominąć PIN ID? Chciałbym uzyskać informację o poborze prądu.
Poniżej załączam podstawowe pomiary.
PL2001 5.39kΩ 0.15-0.30v
PL6001 37.1Ω 0v
PL2004 5.17kΩ 0.2-0.3v
PL3001 428.5Ω 0v
PL4012 22.1Ω 0v
PL1001 524.5kΩ 0.42v
PL9007 350.7Ω 0v
PL9001 9.9Ω 0v
PL9004 9.9Ω 0v
PL9005 9.9Ω 0v
PL4010 3.4Ω 0v
PL4008 3.4Ω 0v
PL4006 2.9Ω 0v
PL4004 2.9Ω 0v
PL4003 2.9Ω 0v
PD1002 496.1kΩ 19.63V
PU1001 n1 19.60v
Czy to wygląda na brak 3.3/5V czy raczej na problem z rozpoznaniem PIN ID ?
Chętnie wykonam zlecone pomiary.

Płyta DAG35AMB8E0 rev: E.
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)
PS: czy da się w programie BoardViewer da się zrobić odbicie lustrzane?

Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 21 Marec 2024, 17:53

#2 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a LukaszBsKrakow 22 Marec 2024, 15:56
Zacznijmy od tego czy masz linię B+ obecną w jakimkolwiek miejscu? Mam na myśli rezystor pomiarowy? Mosfety wejściowe?

#3 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a carrneiro 22 Marec 2024, 16:15
precyzja9807 napisal/-a: Płyta testowana na 2 oryginalnych sprawnych zasilaczach. Gdzie najlepiej wpiąć się zasilaczem serwisowym na b+ (PD1002?), czy da się jakoś pominąć PIN ID?

Jakie napięcie masz na AD_ID przy wpiętym oryginalnym zasilaczu?

#4 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 23 Marec 2024, 15:55
Cześć, AD_IN 0.8V. Na +vin (PR1008) 3.3Ω. Rozlutowałem rezystor, wykonałem pomiar rezystancji na jego 2 wyprowadzeniach. Od strony fetów 11.6Ω, na +vin 3.3Ω. Po podłączeniu zasilacza grzały się kondensatory obok BQ, które łącza się z CSIN oraz CSIP. Po wylutowaniu BQ, rezystancja na wyprowadzeniu PR1008 od strony fetów wzrosła do 2MΩ, od drugiej strony bez zmian. Wykonałem próbę zwarciową. Wpiąłem się zasilaczem na +vin 19.5v 1A. Po dłuższym czasie grzeje się delikatnie procesor. Proszę o pomoc przy dalszej diagnozie zwarcia na +vin. Czy procesor umarł? Można wykonać jakieś inne pomiary, aby potwierdzić lub wykluczyć usterkę cpu?

#5 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 24 Marec 2024, 12:50
Measure the resistances on all coils in reference to the "+VIN" side of resistor PR1008.

#6 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 24 Marec 2024, 19:21
Hello Matic! Thanks for your reply.
matic napisal/-a:Measure the resistances on all coils in reference to the "+VIN" side of resistor PR1008.

BQ is removed.

PL9007 355Ω
PL9001 13.4Ω
PL9004 13.4Ω
PL9005 13.4Ω
PL4008 6.8Ω
PL4010 6.9Ω
PL4003 0.3Ω
PL4004 0.3Ω
PL4006 0.3Ω
PL3001 316Ω
PL7001 22.5Ω
PL2001 5.38kΩ
PL6001 41.2Ω
PL2004 5.69kΩ
PL1001 64.6Ω

#7 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 24 Marec 2024, 19:54
At least one of the transistors PQ4001, PQ4004, PQ4005 is damaged for sure.
Measure the resistance between pin 1 and pin 2 of each of these transistors. If this resistance is low (less then 10Ω) on one of the transistors, the corresponding transistor is damaged - remove it from the board and remeasure the resistance to ground on the "+VIN" side of resistor PR1008.

#8 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 25 Marec 2024, 16:36
matic napisal/-a:At least one of the transistors PQ4001, PQ4004, PQ4005 is damaged for sure.

All transistors are damaged. After desoldering these, +vin increase to 120Ω. I did a short circuit test on +vin 19.5v 1A. The PQ1006 and PQ1007 transistors became very hot. They are damaged too. After removing them, the +vin resistance increased to 0.6MΩ. I ordered 5 new transistors and a charger. After the replacement, I will let you know the results.
What happened here...
Thanks matic!

#9 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 25 Marec 2024, 22:56
precyzja9807 napisal/-a:All transistors are damaged.
That's quite strange. It's usually damaged only one of them. You can check them out of the board.
They are dual transistors in one package:

precyzja9807 napisal/-a:I did a short circuit test on +vin 19.5v 1A.
I do not recommend to perform a short circuit test on the main power rail strait at 19V, because you may cause more damage on the board this way in case one of the "high-side" transistors is damaged.
I recommend you to read the training department of the forum.

precyzja9807 napisal/-a:The PQ1006 and PQ1007 transistors became very hot.
That's probably because you injected 19V to the main power rail with the charger chip removed from the board. These two transistors may be fine, if you not damage them during the short circuit test.

#10 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 2 April 2024, 16:48
Sorry for the long silence. Holidays and parts shipping times caused a delay
I replaced transistors PQ4001, PQ4004, PQ4005, PQ1006 and PQ1007.
After replacement:
"+VIN" side of resistor PR1008 6.5MΩ
+PRWSRC side of resistor PR1008 1.6MΩ
After replacement PU1001 i get short circuit on the +PRWSRC. I tried resolder 2 time, but no change. I desoldered PU1001 and i made measurement without the chip:
1 1.6MΩ
2 1.95MΩ
3 1.95MΩ
4 1.98MΩ
5 6.1Ω
6 69.5kΩ
7 3.3MΩ
8 120kΩ
9 120kΩ
10 30kΩ
11 O. L
12 2.5MΩ
13 2.5MΩ
14 0Ω
15 O.L
16 99kΩ
17 226kΩ
18 O.L
19 2.4MΩ
20 428kΩ

I think the resistance on pin 5 of the PU1001 is too low (ACIN). I measured this line and found no damage. When I lifted pin 97 KBC , the resistance between ground and ACIN increased to 100kΩ. The resistance between the raised 97 KBC pin and ground is 6.1Ω. Am I correct in thinking that the short circuit is caused by KBC? Is programming necessary after replacing it with a new (empty) one? Is there anything I can measure to make sure the KBC is damaged?
Notice: Q5100, Q5105, VC5100 do not occur.

matic napisal/-a: It's usually damaged only one of them

Right, one was damaged. I made bad measurement. I don't know how... I measured the same as yours pinout


#11 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 3 April 2024, 09:04
precyzja9807 napisal/-a:When I lifted pin 97 KBC , the resistance between ground and ACIN increased to 100kΩ. The resistance between the raised 97 KBC pin and ground is 6.1Ω. Am I correct in thinking that the short circuit is caused by KBC?
Yes, everything points to a KBC chip failure.

precyzja9807 napisal/-a:Is programming necessary after replacing it with a new (empty) one?
The KBC chip on this board should theoretically program itself (load its firmware from the BIOS chip at first connecting power supply to the board).

#12 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 5 April 2024, 18:28
Hello, after replacement KBC i have +19.95v on the PR1008 but MB not starting. I have voltage only on the PL1001 1.37v. I solder empty KBC. I dont have KBC programmer.

#13 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 6 April 2024, 16:12
Measure the following voltages to ground:
- On pins 4, 5 of charger chip PU1001.
- On pins 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of chips PU2001, PU2002.

Chips PU2001, PU2002 pinout:

#14 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 7 April 2024, 11:31
matic napisal/-a: On pins 4, 5 of charger chip PU1001.

p4 25.71v
p5 0v
matic napisal/-a: On pins 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of chips PU2001, PU2002.

p1 0v
p2 0v
p4 0v
p5 3.3v
p6 2.92v
p7 4.5v
p8 19.95v

p1 0v
p2 0v
p4 0v
p5 3.36v
p6 2.93v
p7 5.18v
p8 19.95v

#15 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 8 April 2024, 07:20
- Measure the resistance to ground on pin 5 of charger chip PU101.
- Measure the voltages to ground on both pins of resistor PR1019.

#16 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 10 April 2024, 16:59
I replaced PU1001 one more time. Measurement PU1001
p4 25.46v
p5 2.98v 55kΩ
matic napisal/-a:- Measure the voltages to ground on both pins of resistor PR1019.

p1,2 19.61v (with soldered resistor)

0v on the coils (only on the PL1001 i have 3.12v)

#17 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 10 April 2024, 20:57
precyzja9807 napisal/-a:p5 2.98v 55kΩ
It's fine now.

precyzja9807 napisal/-a:p1,2 19.61v (with soldered resistor)
Impossible. You probably measured on the wrong resistor.
However, this measurement is no longer necessary as the "ACIN" signal from the charger chip is now present and correct.

- Does the white LED near the DC socket lights up?

- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 12, 14, 18, 19, 28, 48, 67, 74, 88, 97, 100, 119, 123, 127, 128 of KBC chip.

- Measure the voltage to ground on pin 107 of KBC chip in the following cases:
a) Power button released.
b) Power button pressed.

#18 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a precyzja9807 11 April 2024, 15:31
matic napisal/-a:Impossible. You probably measured on the wrong resistor.

Right, I measured PR1008. Sorry for the mistake.
PR1019 5,97v and 2,98v.
matic napisal/-a: Does the white LED near the DC socket lights up?

No, any lights up on the MB.
matic napisal/-a:- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 12, 14, 18, 19, 28, 48, 67, 74, 88, 97, 100, 119, 123, 127, 128 of KBC chip.

p12 1.79v
p14 3.29v
p18 0v
p19 0v
p28 0v
p48 0v
p67 1.67v
p74 3.35v
p88 0v
p97 2.98v
p100 0v
p119 0v
p123 3.32v
p127 3.35v
p128 3.35v
matic napisal/-a:- Measure the voltage to ground on pin 107 of KBC chip in the following cases:

a) 3.33v

I decide add flux on the KBC pins, and solder one more time by hot air.I checked the KBC pins with tweezers and they didn't move
Now laptop starting. But i dont have any image. Ihave voltage on the all coils and the voltage looking good
What next?
Thanks matic for your persistence
Edit:The caps lock LED is flashing; 5 times long and 3 time short

#19 Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a matic 31 Maj 2024, 10:26
Measure the voltages to ground on all pins of BIOS chip.
Do you have an oscilloscope?

Re: HP omen 15-ax030TX martwy, prośba o pomoc przy diagnozie.

Napisal/-a Google Adsense [BOT] 31 Maj 2024, 10:26
Ta tema je označena kot ARHIVSKA. Odgovorite samo, če vaše sporočilo vsebuje rešitev (Pravila in Pogoji, 12.1).

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