• Toyota Yaris 1.0 GS 2001 Key fob component identification

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#1 Toyota Yaris 1.0 GS 2001 Key fob component identification

von matic 11 April 2024, 21:11

The customer tried to replace the button himself and physically damaged the component in SOT-323 package in the process. Please, identify this component:

I found a photo of this fob on the web (source: elektroda.pl):

The connections of the component are as follows:

Datasheet of the chip HCS361 attached.

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Re: Toyota Yaris 1.0 GS 2001 Key fob component identification

von Google Adsense [BOT] 11 April 2024, 21:11

#2 Re: Toyota Yaris 1.0 GS 2001 Key fob component identification  [GELÖST]

von Vogelek23 11 April 2024, 23:36
It looks like a 1SS301 dual diode. Datasheet at the attachment.

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#3 Re: Toyota Yaris 1.0 GS 2001 Key fob component identification

von matic 27 Mai 2024, 13:39
I soldered a diode BAV70W and the key fob works. :)
Thank you very much!

Sorry for the delay - customer was out of the country and couldn't test it.

Re: Toyota Yaris 1.0 GS 2001 Key fob component identification

von Google Adsense [BOT] 27 Mai 2024, 13:39

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