• Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

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#1 Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 23 April 2024, 19:08
Model: Samsung NP350V5C
Płyta: QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0
CPU: i5-3210MM (SR0MZ)
GPU: 216-0833000

Laptop się nie włącza. Zero reakcji. Brak 3,3V na przycisku "power". Pomiary bez ram i procesora.
Płyta nie pobiera żadnego prądu.
Rezystancja na cewkach:
PL202 - 1,15 kΩ
PL703 - 4,4 Ω
PL514 - 50 kΩ
PL801 - 40 kΩ
PL352 - 140 Ω
PL1000 - 80 Ω
PL182 - 28 kΩ
PL402 - 37 Ω
PL201 - 600 kΩ
PL512 - 1 kΩ
PL511 - 1 kΩ
PL152 - 400 Ω
PL332 - 15 Ω

Po podłączeniu zasilacza napięcie pojawia się tylko na cewce PL202 - 2,4V

Bardzo proszę o sugestie.

Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Google Adsense [BOT] 23 April 2024, 19:08

#2 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 24 April 2024, 07:32
Bezel018 hat geschrieben:PL332 - 15 Ω
PL352 - 140 Ω
Are these two measurements correct?
If so, open the jumpers PJ332, PL352 and measure the resistances to ground on both pads of these jumpers.

#3 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 24 April 2024, 16:27
matic hat geschrieben:Hello!
Are these two measurements correct?
If so, open the jumpers PJ332, PL352 and measure the resistances to ground on both pads of these jumpers.

I remesured once again after losing all current of the board. Now looks like:
PL332 - 16 kΩ
PL352 - 19 kΩ

When I plug in power supply and disconnect after few seconds it the value on the coils looks like in post 1...

#4 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 24 April 2024, 21:05
Bezel018 hat geschrieben:Po podłączeniu zasilacza napięcie pojawia się tylko na cewce PL202
Is there no voltage even on the coil PL201?
If so, measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 4, 8 of transistors PQ203, PQ205.

#5 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 25 April 2024, 17:51
matic hat geschrieben:Is there no voltage even on the coil PL201?

PL201 - 19,38 V
matic hat geschrieben:If so, measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 4, 8 of transistors PQ203, PQ205.

1 - 19,38 V
4 - 25,25 V
8 - 19,38 V

1 - 19,38 V
4 - 25,25 V
8 - 19,38 V

#7 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 26 April 2024, 07:18
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23 of chip PU330.

#8 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 27 April 2024, 10:19
matic hat geschrieben:Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23 of chip PU330.

1 - 0 V
3 - 0 V
6 - 0 V
8 - 0 V
9- 0 V
13 - 3,2 V
16 - 19,39 V
17 - 0 V
22 - 0 V
23 - 0 V

#10 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 28 April 2024, 14:03
Machine hat geschrieben:Measure the resistance to ground on pins 3, 8, 17 of PU330.

3 - 110 kΩ
8 - 4 Ω
17 - 315 kΩ
Machine hat geschrieben:f the resistance is high replace PU330.

Should I replace the chip? If yes what is the chip? RT8205L?

#12 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 29 April 2024, 19:11
Desolder PU330 and inject 3v on pin 8, max 500mA, the KBC will certainly heat up and needs to be changed.

I desoldered the PU330. I set the 3V and 500mA. The current consumption is 0.120 A.
The KBC chip is cold.

#13 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 29 April 2024, 20:21
Remeasure the resistance to ground on pad 8 on the place of chip PU330 (with the chip removed from the board).

#14 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 29 April 2024, 23:22
Remeasure the resistance to ground on pad 8 on the place of chip PU330 (with the chip removed from the board).

41 Ω

#16 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 30 April 2024, 11:23
Bezel018 hat geschrieben:
Remeasure the resistance to ground on pad 8 on the place of chip PU330 (with the chip removed from the board).
41 Ω
This resistance is still too low.
Repeat the short circuit test from post #12. This time limit the voltage to 3.3V, wait about 20 minutes and then check if anything is slightly warm on the motherboard.
Pay special attention to the KBC and UCL1 chip.

#17 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 30 April 2024, 13:54
This resistance is still too low.
Repeat the short circuit test from post #12. This time limit the voltage to 3.3V, wait about 20 minutes and then check if anything is slightly warm on the motherboard.
Pay special attention to the KBC and UCL1 chip.
The UCL1 is little warm.
About 30-31 degrees.

#18 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 1 Mai 2024, 11:42
Remove the chip UCL1 from the board and remeasure the resistance to ground on pad 8 on the place of chip PU330.
If the resistance will increase to a high value (kΩ range or greater), the chip UCL1 is damaged and needs to be replaced.

#19 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Bezel018 6 Mai 2024, 21:45
Remove the chip UCL1 from the board and remeasure the resistance to ground on pad 8 on the place of chip PU330.
If the resistance will increase to a high value (kΩ range or greater), the chip UCL1 is damaged and needs to be replaced.

After removed the UCL1 I had about 80 kOhm. I replaced the UCL1 for the new one. I soldered the PU330 back and board turn on but have not a display. The diodes on power switch shine constantly and sometimes blinkins. I try to another memory RAM. Still the same.

#20 Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von matic 7 Mai 2024, 06:59
Check your solder joints on all pins of chip UCL1.
If the solder joints are fine, measure the voltages to ground on pins 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 of chip UCL1, when the machine is turned on (power LED is turned on).

Re: Samsung NP350V5C QCLA4 LA-8861P REV: 2.0 Nie włącza się.

von Google Adsense [BOT] 7 Mai 2024, 06:59
Dieses Thema ist als ARCHIV markiert. Antworten Sie nur, wenn Ihre Nachricht eine Lösung enthält (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, 12.1)

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