• Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

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#1 Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 9 maja 2024, 14:31

I have a Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 laptop that is not displaying through external HDMI port. The port looks good and i have tested with HDMI port tester, the filters/0 ohm resistors are all good and retimer IC is Parade PS8409A. From visual inspection there is no damage around the area. All drivers are up to date.


Thank you for your help.

Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 9 maja 2024, 14:31

#2 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez matic 9 maja 2024, 15:52

Set your meter to the diode test mode and measure the voltage drops to ground on points A, B, C, ..., R.

#3 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 10 maja 2024, 08:24
Yes no problem.

A = .511
B = .511
C = .511
D = .511
E = .511
F = .511
G = .511
H = .511
I = .605
J = .605
K = .423
L = .465
M = .423
N = .465
O = .425
P = .465
Q = .420
R = .462

#4 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 12 maja 2024, 07:47
Also there is no external display through HDMI when using a Linux Live distro or when main internal display cable is disconnected.

#5 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez matic 13 maja 2024, 06:48
Replace the chip U68.

#6 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 13 maja 2024, 13:39
I found another Parade PS8409A from a scrap Dell board (CYBORG-H 19844-1).

I replaced the chip but still no display through HDMI.

#7 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez matic 13 maja 2024, 15:19
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 4, 6, 11, 15, 35, 43 of chip U68.

#8 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 13 maja 2024, 16:04
Voltage measurements for U68

1 = 3.3V
4 = 3.3V
6 = 1.2V
11 = 1.2V
15 = 1.2V
35 = 3.2V
43 = 1.2V

#9 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez matic 14 maja 2024, 07:10
Measure the following voltages to ground:
- On pins 7, 8 of chip U68 with the external HDMI monitor connected.
- On pin 18 of HDMI port with the external HDMI monitor connected.
- On pins 21, 40 of chip U68 with and without external HDMI monitor connected.

#10 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 14 maja 2024, 11:39
With external monitor connected:
7 = 4.8V
8 = 4.8V

Pin 18 of HDMI port with external monitor connected:
18 = 5V

With external monitor connected:
21 = 22mV
40 = 0V
Without external monitor connected:
21 = 0V
40 = 0V

#11 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 17 maja 2024, 09:28
Do you have any other ideas?

The part of the board in question is very thin/flexible, and the solder was very low melt when working on the board. Is it possible the board has flexed/bent and some solder joints in the area may have cracked or become disconnected?


#12 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 20 maja 2024, 12:29
It does display to external monitor through USB-C Thunderbolt ports, with adapter and same HDMI cable. Just not at all directly out of the HDMI port.

#13 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez matic 24 maja 2024, 07:05
Set your multimeter to the diode test mode and measure the voltage drops to ground on pins 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19 of HDMI port.
To access the pins use an HDMI cable with a cut end, or even better an HDMI test board:

#14 Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez KenM0560 24 maja 2024, 10:04
1 = .547
3 = .548
4 = .548
6 = .548
7 = .547
9 = .547
10 = .547
12 = .547
15 = .642
16 = .643
18 = .143
19 = .688

I used one of these for the measurements.


Re: Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro-X 14IAH7 (NM-E301) - No external display through HDMI port

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 24 maja 2024, 10:04
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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