• Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

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#1 Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 27 giugno 2024, 09:30
Model : Acer Aspire E5-575G
Board id : DAZAAMB16E0 Rev:E

First, Laptop run with no picture. All coils have voltages expect PL2. I tried to flash bios and then laptop run normally. But after running for about 30 minutes, laptop has no display again. I try to falsh bios again but nothing change. For now, when press power key, cpu fan spin full speed with some seconds and then stop.
PL6013 - 5.27V
PL6012 - 3.42V
PL11 - 1.2V
PL15 - 1V
PL5 - 1V
PL17 - 2.49V
PL1 - 0.2V (Without Battery)
All other coils have 0V. Need help.

Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da Google Adsense [BOT] 27 giugno 2024, 09:30

#2 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 28 giugno 2024, 20:57

Is your board UMA version, or with a dedicated GPU chip?

#3 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 29 giugno 2024, 12:38
Board with a dedicated GPU chip.

#4 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 29 giugno 2024, 13:48
Measure the voltages to ground on listed pins, when the machine is turned on.
- On pins 18, 21, 33, 69, 72, 77, 78, 118, 119 of KBC chip.
- On pins 2, 4 of chip U6.
- On pin 10 of chip PU21.

#5 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 30 giugno 2024, 13:37
KBC chip pins
Pin 18, 21, 118, 119 - 3.42V
Pin 33 - 3.26V
Pin 69 - 3.27V
Pin 72 - 2.99V
Pin 77 - 3.1V
Pin 78 - 3.26V
I can't find U6 on my mainboard. I have two boardview of this model. One show U6 near CPU and other one show U6 near CMOS battery. But in my mainboard there is no IC in this two places. PU21 pin 10 is 3.3V.

Laptop is tuning on with display one time while i am testing. In windows Nvidia Graphic show error code 10. When I turn off and open it's no dispaly again. Separate graphic fault?

#6 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 1 luglio 2024, 10:39
cygron ha scritto:Separate graphic fault?
Yes, possible.
For the test, convert this board to the UMA version according to the following instructions:

#7 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 2 luglio 2024, 06:09
Change discrete to uma according to your guideline. But problem still exit.

#8 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 2 luglio 2024, 07:22
Measure the voltage to ground on coil PL2 with the board converted to UMA.

#9 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 3 luglio 2024, 14:06
PL2 is 0V

#10 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 8 luglio 2024, 12:26
- Measure the voltages to ground on both pins of 1kΩ resistor you soldered to convert this board to UMA.
- Measure the power consumption (in mA) of the board, when the machine is turned on with and without RAM memory connected.

#11 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 10 luglio 2024, 14:49
Voltages to ground on both pins of 1kΩ resistor is 0V. I can't identify of the power consumption because laptop can't open with DC power supply. With DC power supply, 5v 3v is not present. It can only open with adapter.

#12 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 11 luglio 2024, 07:56
Please, post a clear picture of that 1kΩ resistor with nearby surroundings.

#13 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 11 luglio 2024, 14:50

#14 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 11 luglio 2024, 15:38
cygron ha scritto:[ Obrazek ]
Are you kidding?
And where you soldered the 1kΩ resistor??? :frustry:

Please, check the attached picture from post #6 and follow the instructions carefully.

#15 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 11 luglio 2024, 16:44
So sorry for my mistake. I changed wrong resistor. Now i correct my mistake. Remove correct resistor and solder 1K resistor to correct place. But problem still exit. Laptop has no display. Voltages to ground on both sides of 1K resistor is 3.42V.


#16 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 12 luglio 2024, 07:27
cygron ha scritto:I changed wrong resistor. Now i correct my mistake.
Make sure you revert all inappropriate changes back to their original state.

If so, repeat the measurement from the post #8 and current consumption from post #10.

#17 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da cygron 14 luglio 2024, 17:01
I'm sure. I revert all inappropriate changes back to their original state. PL2 is 0V. When press power key current comsumption is about 0.300 amp and then suddenly drop to 0.110 amp with or without RAM.

#18 Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da matic 17 luglio 2024, 07:11
Are voltages still present on all coils, except PL2?

Re: Acer Aspire E5-575G No display

da Google Adsense [BOT] 17 luglio 2024, 07:11
Questo argomento è contrassegnato come D'ARCHIVIO. Rispondi solo se il tuo messaggio contiene la soluzione (Termini e Condizioni p. 12.1).

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