• Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

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#1 Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Zemog 28 giugno 2024, 11:56
Hello everyone!
I have the Acer Travelmate P256 laptop with LA-B162P motherboard which does not respond to the power button and does not turn on any LED.
I have checked the coils with respect to ground and everything seems normal.
5VALW are present but in 3VALW I have a slightly low value 2.36V

I have made the following measurements on PU401

EN1 (1) ... 3,11V
PG (2) ... 0V
EN2 (3) ... 0,44V
OUT (4) ... 2,36V
LDO (5) ... 3,11V
BS (6) ... 2,55V
IN (7) ... 4,57V
IN (8) ... 19,90V
LX (10) ... 2,35V

I have opened PJ401 and the values ​​are practically the same except for pin 4 and 10 where the value is 2.80V

With these measurements can I say that PU401 is defective?

Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Google Adsense [BOT] 28 giugno 2024, 11:56

#3 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Zemog 28 giugno 2024, 17:21
Machine ha scritto:Measure the resistance to ground between the pads of PJ401 (PJ401 open)

PJ401 Pad1 +3VALWP.... 73,6K Pad2 +3VALW .... 7K

#4 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da matic 28 giugno 2024, 20:27
Check the resistor PR401 (2.2Ω) and capacitor PC403 (100nF).

#5 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Zemog 29 giugno 2024, 11:51
PR401 and PC403 are good

#6 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da matic 1 luglio 2024, 10:45
Replace the chip PU401 (SYX196BQNC).

#7 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Zemog 2 luglio 2024, 12:29
I have ordered the SY8208BQNC which is the one that was reflected in the schematic.
I imagine SYX196BQNC is equivalent, right?
Or have you indicated that reference for any particular reason?

#8 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on  [RISOLTO]

da matic 8 luglio 2024, 11:59
I've a photos of this board. In this case the factory installed chip is SYX196BQNC (markings RI***).

#9 Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Zemog 10 luglio 2024, 10:18
Today the chip arrived, I changed it and the 3.3V is now present and the laptop is already working

The chip placed was the SY8208BQN (MS4GE MS3VM MS3BB MS3BC MS...), which is the one specified in the schematic. The one removed from the motherboard had the RF4LF markings.

So the SYX196BQNC (RI*** markings), SY8208BQN (MS*** markings) and the RF4LF must be equivalent to each other.


Re: Acer TravelMate P256 Main LA-B162P It does not turn on

da Google Adsense [BOT] 10 luglio 2024, 10:18

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