• Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

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Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Google Adsense [BOT] 2 Juli 2024, 10:06

#2 Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Vogelek23 2 Juli 2024, 10:24
It is a CAD boardview, so you can open it with Boardviewer available here: post251581.html#p251581 or BVREview - last file from this post: post38361.html#p38361. All the apps are free to download. There may be other software you may use, but I did not test it.

#3 Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Rhork 2 Juli 2024, 10:35
I know before asking I tried with :
- Boardviewer
- Openboardview
- Allegro

#4 Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Vogelek23 2 Juli 2024, 10:49
Rhork hat geschrieben:- Boardviewer
Interesting 8-) Just checked all versions available on our forum ( -> -> and ALL of them open this file correctly. Something is wrong with your computer then.

Rhork hat geschrieben:- Openboardview
- Allegro
Openboardview does not work with this file, and Allegro Viewer is for large BRD files only (15MB+).

Rhork hat geschrieben:I changed the extension to .brd
Do not change the extension in any case. Just open with Boardviewer (any version) or BVREview, both apps open this particular file correctly.

#5 Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Rhork 2 Juli 2024, 11:43
Ok it's good don't have understand but certainly a title problem of file. Thanks ;)

#6 Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA  [GELÖST]

von Vogelek23 2 Juli 2024, 12:51
May be the brackets problem, try to rename the file by escaping brackets.

#7 Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Rhork 2 Juli 2024, 13:17
That's what I did, I changed the full name and no more worries, it's the first time it's happened to me so I was thinking more of a file problem, thank you ;)
You can close this thread ;)

Re: Problem with boardview file ASUS TP410UA

von Google Adsense [BOT] 2 Juli 2024, 13:17

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