• ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

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#1 ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von mladen82 25 Juni 2024, 15:20
Greetings colleagues,
I rarely repair laptops now, but here came an Asus G512LI that really pissed me off.
Motherboard code G512LI Rev 2.0

Namely, it only needed to replace cooler fans, I found them on Aliexpress, ordered them and they arrived. Replaced it, but when I tried to turn on the laptop, it wouldn't turn on!?
I didn't try it before changing the fans, and the user told me that the laptop was in working order before, shit.
First I checked the charger, it only gave a couple of volts measured with a multimeter on the connector. When I moved the charger cable, it got 20V.
However, the laptop still wouldn't turn on after trying new charger. I soon realized that the problem was also in the motherboard.
The power supply chip PU8701 SN51285A overheated, it did not give 3V/5V or other voltages.
With the help of the schematic I found that I have low resistances on pin 3 of this chip, that's for the +3VA power branch. Through the laboratory power supply, I determined that the U3001 IT5125VG chip, the EC controller, was heating up. I removed EC, but that wasn't the end. Furthermore, I found that the PU9801 UP9026Q chip also overheats, when I removed it too, the low resistance on the +3VA branch was lost.
I don't know what caused all these to crash, except that the original charger was faulty. I believe that I could not have made such a failure on the motherboard by hand.

The mandatory question I am asking for , concerns the EC controller IT5125VG. Does it have firmware in it and will it need to be programmed when I order empty one from Aliexpress?

Thank you for your attention and thank you in advance for your reply.
Best Regards,

Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von Google Adsense [BOT] 25 Juni 2024, 15:20

#2 Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von ado 25 Juni 2024, 22:12
mladen82 hat geschrieben:sterownika EC IT5125VG. Czy ma w sobie firmware i czy będzie trzeba go programować

Ma i trzeba programować.

#3 Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von mladen82 13 Juli 2024, 15:25
I replaced all the chips that found bad, however the motherboard is still dead. charging battery is ok. Further measuring, i discovered a rather low resistance on the power supply branch +NVVDD for the graphics chip, about 0.4 ohms in all. Does anyone have experience with whether such a low resistance is normal?

#4 Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von matic 16 Juli 2024, 10:06
What is the marking of the GPU chip?

#5 Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von mladen82 16 Juli 2024, 11:56
i think N18P-G61 GTX 1650

#6 Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von matic 16 Juli 2024, 14:46
Yes, this resistance seems normal for this type of GPU chip.

Re: ASUS G512LI-HN061 - dead

von Google Adsense [BOT] 16 Juli 2024, 14:46
Dieses Thema ist als ARCHIV markiert. Antworten Sie nur, wenn Ihre Nachricht eine Lösung enthält (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, 12.1)

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