• GK3 J4125 ACEPC suddenly no wifi, no lan hardware is detected but Bluetooth works

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#1 GK3 J4125 ACEPC suddenly no wifi, no lan hardware is detected but Bluetooth works

von wazoo 7 Oktober 2024, 09:19

I have seen another user on this forum with same hardware, so will try to find your help.
General hardware pictures can be seen there for chipset locations.
I have an ACEPC GK3, MB GK1_V24 with J4125 processor running for more than 1 year with HomeAssistant and others in containers under Armbian OS.
Yesterday, it seems that something happened and suddenly the LAN activity LEDs no longer light up and neither does the WLAN.
The LAN cable is OK. When connecting HDMI monitor the miniPC boots normally, except that it doesn't detect LAN and WIFI hardware anymore.
All the hardware seems to work OK, but I have lost ethernet connectivity.
The strange thing is that it detects bluetooth hardware which I think is the same chipset/module as WIFI.

I've tried running other liveUSB distro, like Sergei Strelec's distro and even reinstalling linux on another SSD, but it doesn't wake up LAN or WIFI.

It's a rare case. Any idea what could have happened ?
Is it possible that by some software code you can force a hardware lock to sleep / low power mode and it will not be detected or woken up again ?

I am trying to find information about the pinout of the RTL8111BN IC (48pin) to check if there is a power supply problem.
I have checked nearby capacitors and I see 3.3v. So I think it could be a software lockout. But even with a new OS I can't wake it up.
Need to determine other voltage points to determine a power supply failure to those WLAn an LAN ICs.

I would appreciate your help.

Re: GK3 J4125 ACEPC suddenly no wifi, no lan hardware is detected but Bluetooth works

von Google Adsense [BOT] 7 Oktober 2024, 09:19

#2 Re: GK3 J4125 ACEPC suddenly no wifi, no lan hardware is detected but Bluetooth works

von matic 8 Oktober 2024, 07:10

Boot the machine to the Windows OS, go to the "Device Manager" and post a screen of "Network adapters".

#3 Re: GK3 J4125 ACEPC suddenly no wifi, no lan hardware is detected but Bluetooth works

von wazoo 14 Oktober 2024, 09:35
thankU @matic
As you can see, there are no WLAN and LAN devices detected.
And no pending drivers with warning symbol. All drivers are updated.

After several days of testing, I have decided that they are finally broken. So, I will look for an external device to recover connectivity.
Maybe a USB to LAN , with debian compatible chipset like AX88179 or a USB Wifi+BT, like COMFAST CF-727B with RTL8822BU chipset.

I can't understand what the reason was.
Everything else works perfectly.
Only WLAN and LAN have been damaged.


Re: GK3 J4125 ACEPC suddenly no wifi, no lan hardware is detected but Bluetooth works

von Google Adsense [BOT] 14 Oktober 2024, 09:35
Dieses Thema ist als ARCHIV markiert. Antworten Sie nur, wenn Ihre Nachricht eine Lösung enthält (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, 12.1)

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