• ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

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#1 ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

leonemax81 9 Жовтня 2024, 23:12
Ciao ragazzi ho questo notebook ASUS Zenbook 15 che non accende, ho trovato in corto un MOSFET che alimenta la CPU, sostituisco il MOSFET e il pc accende ma con schermo nero, sintomo di CPU morta.

Ordino una scheda madre Dell con CPU SRGKW funzionante per poter recuperare la CPU, dissaldo la CPU funzionante dalla scheda madre Dell e la saldo sulla scheda madre Asus UX534FT, il pc non accende appena metto il cavetto alimentatore si blocca su 0.038 ampere e non accende.

rimetto la CPU sulla scheda madre Dell e si accende è funziona!!!, riprovo per la seconda volta a saldare la CPU su scheda madre Asus e non accende si blocca sempre a 0.038 ampere, faccio ancora una prova saldo la CPU originale quella uccisa dal corto e il pc accende con consumo di 1.456 ampere e logicamente schermo nero, è mai possibile che la CPU sia codificata? e non si può sostituire con una nuova e stesso modello?

Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

Google Adsense [BOT] 9 Жовтня 2024, 23:12

#2 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT CPU SRGKW

tekort 10 Жовтня 2024, 10:58
This CPU is a hybrid of CPU + PCH. You can replace it, but the Dell chip has a different ChipID (or microcode) and You need to clean ME in BIOS for the new PCH to be initialized. If You did not clean ME after replacing the CPU it is possible that the PCH is locked in "INIT" phase. Program BIOS with a clean ME region and try to power up the device.

#3 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT CPU SRGKW

leonemax81 10 Жовтня 2024, 11:32
Yes, I did that too, tried to write bios with me region, but nothing always stuck

#4 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT CPU SRGKW

tekort 10 Жовтня 2024, 13:18
But did You use a Clean ME file for that? You cannot use a BIOS image that has been already initialized. That means bulind a BIOS image using Flash Image Tool and inserting a clean ME region file.

There is a slight chance that this PCH is bricked by using an already initialized BIOS from the first boot, but that needs to be confirmed by other more experienced collegues. If I am not mistaken, some of the PCH can be "unbricked" and some cannot.

#5 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT CPU SRGKW

leonemax81 10 Жовтня 2024, 15:19
Yes, I used a new bios created with the clean me file.

update: I installed another CPU, and bios region me, nothing always stuck at 0.044 amps, only the white LED in the power button and the white power LED turns on.

#6 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT CPU SRGKW

matic 11 Жовтня 2024, 13:30
leonemax81 написав:è mai possibile che la CPU sia codificata?
Yes, this issue is most likely related to the "BootGuard".

"BootGuard" is a public key that is fused into the APU and cannot be removed. For the computer to work, the corresponding BIOS chip must be signed with the laptop manufacturer's private key, if the "BootGuard" is enabled.
If the "BootGuard" is enabled, and the BIOS is unsigned or signed with a different key, the machine will not boot.

Your donor APU hybrid is most likely from the board with a "BootGuard" enabled. The only option is to use an APU from the board with a "BootGuard" disabled or a brand new APU.

#7 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT CPU SRGKW

leonemax81 11 Жовтня 2024, 16:04
Is there a way to tell if the donor DELL INSPIRON 7500 motherboard has BootGuard enabled?

#8 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

matic 14 Жовтня 2024, 07:36
What is the motherboard marking code of the donor Dell laptop?

#9 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

leonemax81 14 Жовтня 2024, 19:53
matic написав:What is the motherboard marking code of the donor Dell laptop?

I attach a photo.


#10 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW  [РІШЕНО]

matic 15 Жовтня 2024, 07:07
leonemax81 написав:Is there a way to tell if the donor DELL INSPIRON 7500 motherboard has BootGuard enabled?
Yes, there is. This board has a "BootGuard" enabled:

#11 Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

leonemax81 15 Жовтня 2024, 12:05
matic написав:BootGuard

so, to avoid finding a blocked CPU next time, i have to read the bios on the motherboard and from there i can understand if BootGuard is enabled?

Re: ASUS Zenbook 15 UX534FT does not turn on CPU SRGKW

Google Adsense [BOT] 15 Жовтня 2024, 12:05

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