• Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

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#1 Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

przez Zemog 5 grudnia 2024, 11:23
I have the Samsung UE43TU8005K TV which came with a backlight fault (everything worked fine but it couldn't be seen) and after checking, it had a LED strip in bad condition.
All the LED strips have been dismantled and replaced with new ones.
After the change, when plugging in the TV for a second the LEDs flash intensely and the TV protects itself and turns off. It's as if I was putting more voltage or current into the LED strips.
The new strips are tested and work correctly.
If I turn on the TV without the LED strips connected, it turns on without problems but it can't be seen logically because there is no lighting.
If I turn on the TV without connecting the power supply to the MAIN so that the strips stay permanently on, it causes the intense flash fault and turns off.
The power supply is the Model L43S6_TDY (BN44-01053A) and the backlight controller is MAP3621.
How can I regulate it?




Re: Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 5 grudnia 2024, 11:23

#2 Re: Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

przez matic 7 grudnia 2024, 19:09

Please, post a picture of the old (original) and new LED strips you installed.

#3 Re: Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

przez Zemog 11 grudnia 2024, 12:01





#4 Re: Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips  [ROZWIĄZANY]

przez matic 12 grudnia 2024, 08:06
Test the old and new LED strips with a backlight LED tester. Check, if the tester shows the same forward voltage in both cases.

#5 Re: Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

przez Zemog 12 grudnia 2024, 14:14
All the new strips were tested with the LED tester before being assembled, and they all had the same voltage 27V, just like the only old LED strip that was in good condition.

Anyway, I went to check them again, and I found a small mark in the connector area. I connected the LED strips and a spark came out from bad contact between the connector and the LED strip.
Since they are new, I have directly changed them for another one from another batch and this one will be returned to the seller.
Thank you very much for your help. Problem solved and TV working

Re: Samsung UE43TU8005K enters protection after changing the LED strips

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 12 grudnia 2024, 14:14

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