• Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

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#1 Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da xenotic 24 dicembre 2024, 15:08
Board model :NOKOTION LOL SKL MB 15221-1M 448.06R01.001M

Hello, hoping someone can help me with this.

I've had this laptop for about 3 years.

a few months ago I've started experiencing this issue where I'd press the power button, everything would start up,
keyboard lit up, fans start spinning etc., but the screen remained black. I would then power off the machine by holding the power button for a couple seconds, and try again. It would boot up normally after the third or fourth attempt. . maybe a corrupt BIOS problem ?

Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da Google Adsense [BOT] 24 dicembre 2024, 15:08

#2 Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da matic 25 dicembre 2024, 14:12
xenotic ha scritto:maybe a corrupt BIOS problem ?
Yes, possible. Replace the BIOS chip and flash it with the old (original) dump. If it does not change anything, reflash the new BIOS chip with another dump.

#3 Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da xenotic 26 dicembre 2024, 09:11
at the moment I don't have the equipment to desolder the bios, I only have the ch341a programmer with the clips to flash the bios without desoldering it, do you think I can try flashing with a new biosxxx.bin

#4 Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da Vogelek23 26 dicembre 2024, 16:18
To flash the BIOS chip using clip you will need to cut the R2501 jumper first. Then after flashing the R2501 jumper must be soldered back. Please post a clear photo of BIOS chip with surrounding area (2-3cm)

#5 Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da xenotic 27 dicembre 2024, 09:07
According to your experience, (before I start disassembling the entire notebook) how many possibilities are there that the problem depends on the bios, and reflashing it will solve the problem because apart from that I wouldn't be able to do anything else with the tools and experience I have.
Thank you

#6 Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da tekort 30 dicembre 2024, 11:13
The probability is always 50/50 - it works or is does not. At first try to replace the RTC battery, if I am not mistaken, the RTC battery is soldered to the board and it often fails within some time. You can even desolder/cut one of the battery leads first to try using the laptop without any RTC voltage - the downside is that every time You disconnect power, the clock and BIOS settings will be lost.

Personally I do not use clips to program BIOSes, as I simply do not trust them :)

Re: Lenovo idea 700-15ISK turns on, no display: boot up normally after the third attempt

da Google Adsense [BOT] 30 dicembre 2024, 11:13

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