• [ЗАПИТ ІНШИХ] MPS I2C "GUI tool" for the chip MP2949A

#1 [ЗАПИТ ІНШИХ] MPS I2C "GUI tool" for the chip MP2949A

matic 2 Січня 2025, 13:46

I want to program the CPU power supply controller chip MP2949A using the EVKT-USBI2C-02 interface.
I'm looking for a suitable I2C "GUI tool". I've searched on the MPS website and elsewhere on the web, but I can't find it anywhere.

Here's a page from the "MPS I2C Interface User Manual" that shows what I'm looking for:

Re: [ЗАПИТ ІНШИХ] MPS I2C "GUI tool" for the chip MP2949A

Google Adsense [BOT] 2 Січня 2025, 13:46

#2 [ЗАПИТ ІНШИХ] Re: MPS I2C "GUI tool" for the chip MP2949A  [РІШЕНО]

wof 2 Січня 2025, 15:32
You have to be registered on their site to be able to download...
page with download link: https://www.monolithicpower.com/en/serv ... 0q3zBdD_wo

#3 [ЗАПИТ ІНШИХ] Re: MPS I2C "GUI tool" for the chip MP2949A

matic 2 Січня 2025, 20:44
As suggested, I registered on the site and managed to downloaded the GUI tool.
Thank you very much! :D

By the way, the continuation of the topic is here: ***click***.

[ЗАПИТ ІНШИХ] Re: MPS I2C "GUI tool" for the chip MP2949A

Google Adsense [BOT] 2 Січня 2025, 20:44

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