• Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

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#1 Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von daro19862 10 Januar 2025, 22:53
Oznaczenia z płyty 820-02016-A
Bateria A2389
Laptop podczas normalnej pracy wyłączył się i nie chciał uruchomić po odpięciu baterii laptop się uruchamia z podpięta baterią teraz też ale cały czas jest 1% w systemie pokazuje źródło zasilania:bateria mimo że ładowarka jest podłączona potrafi się wyłączyć podczas wczytywania systemu.
Brak jest napięcia na stykach baterii bezpiecznik na elektronice baterii sprawny, przed mosfetami jest napięcie.
SVOD odczytuje baterie jako BQ20Z451 i mam pytanie czy da się ją jakoś odblokować żeby na wyjściu było napięcie?

Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von Google Adsense [BOT] 10 Januar 2025, 22:53

#2 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von matic 11 Januar 2025, 13:34

- Measure the voltages to ground on all pins of battery connector with the power supply + battery connected.
- Also measure the voltage to ground on pin 1 of transistor Q5155.

#3 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von daro19862 11 Januar 2025, 13:42
1,2 - 182mV
3- 584mV
4- 3,3V
5- 0V
6,7- GND

Po podaniu napięcia z zasilacza serwisowego na baterie brak poboru prądu a co za tym idzie ładowania.

#4 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von matic 11 Januar 2025, 14:12
How about that?
matic hat geschrieben:- Also measure the voltage to ground on pin 1 of transistor Q5155.

- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 3, 4 of battery connector with the power supply connected only (without the battery).

#5 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von daro19862 11 Januar 2025, 16:01
Voltage to ground on pin 1 of transistor Q5155 with battery and power supply is 3,7V

Voltages to ground on pins 3, 4 of battery connector with the power supply connected only (without the battery). is
3- 583mV
4- 3.3V

#6 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von matic 12 Januar 2025, 12:47
daro19862 hat geschrieben:3- 583mV
This voltage seems too low. It should be about 3V.

- Measure the resistances to ground on pins 3, 4 of battery connector with the battery and power supply disconnected from the board.
- Check the resistor RD207 (4.7kΩ).

Measure the voltages to ground on listed points with the power supply connected only (without the battery):
- On pin 2 of resistor RD207.
- On pins 2, 3, 4, 8 of chip UD201.

#7 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von daro19862 12 Januar 2025, 16:25
resistances to ground on pins 3, 4 of battery connector with the battery and power supply disconnected from the board.
3-1K Ω
4-10K Ω

RD207 - 3,8K Ω reverse meter probes 4,5k Ω need desolder?

On pin 2 of resistor RD207 - 3,3V

On pins 2, 3, 4, 8 of chip UD201.
2- 1,2V
3-0V short to gnd
8-0V short to gnd

After desoldering UD201 short on PCB is gone.
Do you know where can get LSF0102 ?
Maybe another PCB mac have this part?

I think I found it in the store
https://www.mouser.pl/ProductDetail/Nex ... 2FQA%3D%3D

#8 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią  [GELÖST]

von matic 13 Januar 2025, 08:20
daro19862 hat geschrieben:RD207 - 3,8K Ω reverse meter probes 4,5k Ω need desolder?
The resistor seems fine, there is no need to desolder it.

daro19862 hat geschrieben:Do you know where can get LSF0102 ?
Maybe another PCB mac have this part?
Yes, this chip also appears on some other Apple boards. Specify the motherboards marking codes (820-xxxxx) that you have available for parts.

- Also remeasure the voltages to ground on pads 3, 4 on the place of chip UD201 and on pins 3, 4 of the battery connector with the chip UD201 removed from the board and the battery disconnected from the board.

#9 Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von daro19862 17 Januar 2025, 16:07
I replaced the mouser chip and the mac works, the old battery work too,
Thanks Matic, amazing skill.

Re: Apple MacBook AIR 13 A2337 M1 - Problem z baterią

von Google Adsense [BOT] 17 Januar 2025, 16:07

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