#1 MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue
от valieromarco • 24 Декабрь 2024, 00:25
valieromarco писал(а):In that case mosfet was shorted because mosfet contacts were closed and 19V of PSU and battery voltage were in contact?In your case, the gate pin of the transistor was not connected and acted as an antenna - as a result, a charge appeared on the gate of the transistor, which partially opened the transistor. It entered the saturation region.
valieromarco писал(а):I have to try notebook with OS, but I can’t find on the bios CSM /LegacyIt's a newer laptop, where the "Secure Boot" is enabled and the BIOS may be permanently set to UEFI mode.
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