• HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

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#1 HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 22 Январь 2025, 01:35
This Laptop doesn’t turns on.
Connecting PSU voltage on connector 20V but after 5 second drops down to 0V and soon increase 20V again and goes on continuously.
I can’t find schematic I didn’t find any clear short and no components become hot.



Coils with resistance to ground of 43K ohm are shorted each other

Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от Google Adsense [BOT] 22 Январь 2025, 01:35

#2 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 22 Январь 2025, 08:31

What's the power consumption (in mA) of the board within 5 seconds, when the voltage is 20V?

#3 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 22 Январь 2025, 20:11
0,015 A


I checked voltage of 5V on coil marked 5V for 4 o 5 seconds but the coil of 3,3V ? ( I suppose) reach 0,5V and then 0V.

#4 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 23 Январь 2025, 08:00
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17 of the chip located next to the 3V coil.

#5 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 23 Январь 2025, 17:03
1= 1,5V for less than 1 second
2= 12,6V
9= 0V
12=3,3V first on= less than 1 second
second on 3,3V 2 seconds and go on same way
14=0,5V less than 1 second
17= 0,5V first on 0,5 less than 1 second
second on 0,3V for 2 seconds and go on same

All other voltages stay on for 3 seconds

#6 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 27 Январь 2025, 08:38
Measure the resistances to ground on pins 14, 17 of this chip.

#7 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 27 Январь 2025, 18:24
14 = slowly up to 16K ohm
17 = 4K ohm

#8 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 28 Январь 2025, 14:24
Replace this chip. It's SY8286BRAC.

#9 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 29 Январь 2025, 22:51
After replacing SY8286BRAC led near dc connector turns on but SY8286BRAC becomes hot and after 10 seconds led turn off.
I have no try again to avoid chip damage I can’t find any short near.

#10 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 30 Январь 2025, 08:05
Please, post a clear picture of marked area of the board.

#11 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 30 Январь 2025, 09:33

#12 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 30 Январь 2025, 10:00
Measure the resistances to ground on points A, B, C, D.

#13 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 30 Январь 2025, 10:50
A= rise up to 40k ohm
B= rise up to 230K ohm
C= 3k ohm
D= 4k ohm

#14 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 30 Январь 2025, 11:33
Remove this chip SY8286BRAC from the board and inject 3.3V from the laboratory power supply to the point "D". Limit the current to 1A.
What electrical current flows from the laboratory power supply during the test?

#15 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 30 Январь 2025, 12:49
0,33 A

#16 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 30 Январь 2025, 14:24
This power consumption is too high.
Leave the laboratory power supply connected for about 10 minutes to allow the temperature to stabilize and check which component on the board gets warm.

#17 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 30 Январь 2025, 16:04
There is not a hot component, only a little warm on CPU and DDR zone

#18 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 30 Январь 2025, 17:01
valieromarco писал(а):warm on CPU
Are both cores warm, or just a small one?

Are you sure the onboard RAM area is also warm?

#19 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от valieromarco 30 Январь 2025, 17:29
Only component clearly warm is CPU because I touch it over, but all area around CPU become a little warm but all very little warm.

#20 Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от matic 31 Январь 2025, 08:01
The APU hybrid is damaged almost for sure.
To make 100% sure, remove the APU from the board and repeat the test from post #14.

Re: HP SPECTRE X360 Convertible Model 13-ae019nl motherboard DA0X33MBAF0 rev f. no power

от Google Adsense [BOT] 31 Январь 2025, 08:01

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