• MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

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#21 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 30 Січня 2025, 09:40
In the Bios is possible to identify SSD M2
After booting by an USB with OS when it ask where install OS SSD M2 is not recognised
How can I solve?

Re: Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

Google Adsense [BOT] 30 Січня 2025, 09:40

#22 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

tekort 30 Січня 2025, 10:18
Go into BIOS and turn AHCI mode for SATA\PCIe devices - then You do not need any drivers

If You want to use RAID or Intel Optane then there is option for RST/IRST in BIOS. If You have it choosen, then You need to download driver for the disk controller from laptop manufacturer site to have it visible during installation.

This is the link to manual: https://www.msi.com/faq/notebook-1995

#23 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 30 Січня 2025, 11:02
But now SSD M2 is recognized by the bios but boot with a OS USB when it ask whrere install OS no one SSD is recognized
Is it possible to flash bios?

"Go into BIOS and turn AHCI mode for SATA\PCIe devices - then You do not need any drivers"

ok I will try

#24 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

tekort 30 Січня 2025, 11:36
You do not need to flash anything. If you choose in BIOS to use the VMD/RST/IRST mode, then the Windows installer needs the additional driver to "see" the disk with the use of this controller. This driver is not a part of Windows, it is provided by Intel most often or AMD.

In AHCI mode you do not need to install driver, but also you cannot use VMD/RST/IRST functions such as RAID, Optane memory etc.

#25 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 30 Січня 2025, 12:54
In meantime the Machine shut off.
No mosfet issue.
With PSU connected I get 3,2V instead of 19,5
No power on with battery too.
Now motherboard is inside, I have to pull it out it again.

I have pulled out the mobo but no clear signs of damaged components
Connecting PSU always 3,2V

#26 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

matic 31 Січня 2025, 09:54
Measure the voltages to ground on pins 1, 4, 5 of transistors PQ23, PQ30.

#27 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 31 Січня 2025, 16:08
PIN 1= 415 k ohm
Pin 4= 177 k ohm
Pin 5= 408 k ohm

Pin 1 = 40 k ohm
Pin 4= 270 k ohm
Pin 5= 408 K ohm

19V Line change from 4,30V to 2,65V continuously

#28 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

matic 3 Лютого 2025, 08:59
I asked about the voltage measurements, not resistances.

#29 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 3 Лютого 2025, 14:49

After plugging PSU voltages are fluctuating.
After 5 min.

PIN 1= 3,15V
Pin 4= 1,32V
Pin 5= 2,90V

Pin 1 = 2,45V
Pin 4= 2,40V
Pin 5= 2,90V

#30 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

matic 4 Лютого 2025, 11:09
Inject 1V from the laboratory power supply to any pin of resistor PR330. What electrical current flows from the laboratory power supply in this case?

If the current consumption is low (in the mA range), rise up the voltage to 3V and check the electrical current again.

#31 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 4 Лютого 2025, 18:44
3V= 0A

#32 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue  [РІШЕНО]

matic 5 Лютого 2025, 08:50
The power supply you used to test the laptop is very likely damaged. Test the machine with another power supply.

#33 Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

valieromarco 6 Лютого 2025, 00:45
Was the connector of laboratory PSU
Now pc works again but I will keep it on for two days to try it and before closing the topic.

Ok I tried it for 2 days
Thank you so much for helping.

Re: MSI PULSE GL66 motherboard MS 15811 ver: 1.1 charging issue

Google Adsense [BOT] 6 Лютого 2025, 00:45

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