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Re: XBOX360 bląd 0022.
by Google Adsense [BOT] • 25 June 2012, 22:21
Jeśli to konsola po rgh to może tak być, sam uśmierciłem tak konsolę i nawet po wymianie GPU mam 0022. Najprostszy opis błędu 0022 to brak komunikacji między CPU i flashem. W praktyce może to oznaczać cokolwiek bo między cpu i flashem jest długa droga: cpu<>nb/gpu<>sb<>flash, tak więc jedna ścieżka przerwana na tej trasie może skutkować takim błędem.
GPU do wymiany. Te stare układy niestety są bardo wrażliwe na temperaturę. Podstawisz te samo GPU do innej płyty, będziesz miał ten sam błąd. Przemieliłem w zeszłym tygodniu 6 takich płyt, wszędzie układy do wymiany. Z frustracji podmieniałem GPU z płyty na płytę. Te same błędy wędrowały za danymi układami. Ogólnie szkoda roboty. Reballing na starych układach GPU w xboxie jest kompletnie bez sensu. Duże prawdopodobieństwo uwalenia układu a konsola chodzi bardzo krótko. Reflow bezpieczniejszy a efekt ten sam. Jak raz reball nie pomoże na tych płytach to nie ma co szukać, strata czasu. Można kupić w jednej polskiej firmie takie układy. Refub ale działają.
E-Code / Secondary Error code: E10 (No Audio/Video) / 0022
Binary/Hex: 00001010 / 0x0A -> 10
Known fixes:
1)If you soldered anything to the mainboard before it occured, whatever you are powering from this point is drawing too much power so get rid of it.Also get rid of everything that you can see that might bridge anything near the GPU.
2) X-Clamp replacement
3) Reflow GPU and HANA chip
4) If it\'s not the GPU/(H)ANA, it might in rare cases be the CPU and can be fixed by reflowing the CPU.
5) if you flash with xell on JTAG-fixed xbox360 this will appear, flash back to original.
6) also can be caused by a broken trace (see link below).
This error is caused by a bridged/shorting solder joint under the GPU, (H)ANA-chip or in between.It can also be power related though, for example if you are drawing power from one of the regulators that power the GPU and HANA-chip.Can also be a component that is missing or damaged so look for missing parts near the GPU and the HANA chip. In extremely rare cases it might also be related to the lines that lead from HANA to the CPU.
The chances are however higher that it is the GPU than the HANA chip so you should always first concentrate on the GPU.
Another cause could be due to a broken trace under the board near one of the ram blocks,
This error also show up if the CPU ! was taken off the mainboard.
hope this helps I save this from xbox site so thanks to them.
Binary/Hex: 00001010 / 0x0A -> 10
Known fixes:
1)If you soldered anything to the mainboard before it occured, whatever you are powering from this point is drawing too much power so get rid of it.Also get rid of everything that you can see that might bridge anything near the GPU.
2) X-Clamp replacement
3) Reflow GPU and HANA chip
4) If it\'s not the GPU/(H)ANA, it might in rare cases be the CPU and can be fixed by reflowing the CPU.
5) if you flash with xell on JTAG-fixed xbox360 this will appear, flash back to original.
6) also can be caused by a broken trace (see link below).
This error is caused by a bridged/shorting solder joint under the GPU, (H)ANA-chip or in between.It can also be power related though, for example if you are drawing power from one of the regulators that power the GPU and HANA-chip.Can also be a component that is missing or damaged so look for missing parts near the GPU and the HANA chip. In extremely rare cases it might also be related to the lines that lead from HANA to the CPU.
The chances are however higher that it is the GPU than the HANA chip so you should always first concentrate on the GPU.
Another cause could be due to a broken trace under the board near one of the ram blocks,
This error also show up if the CPU ! was taken off the mainboard.
hope this helps I save this from xbox site so thanks to them.
Re: XBOX360 bląd 0022.
by Google Adsense [BOT] • 27 July 2012, 09:28
This topic is marked as ARCHIVAL. Please only reply if your message contains the solution (Terms and Conditions p. 12.1).
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