• Programmer for Microchip DSPIC33F chips for Boot-Loader.

#1 Programmer for Microchip DSPIC33F chips for Boot-Loader.

da seppi0815 1 gennaio 2013, 20:50
Hello Forum Members.

One may come across the programming of DSPIC33F devices, and realizes that available low budget DIY solutions are not working for those devices. Even the hardware may be available, but the programming software usually not.
So I decided to develop a low budget DSPIC33F programmer operating over the RS232 interface. The pins on the DSPIC33F are MCLR, PCLK, PDATA.

The schematics:

The board layout

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Re: Programmer for Microchip DSPIC33F chips for Boot-Loader.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 1 gennaio 2013, 20:50

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