• PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

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#1 PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 23 August 2017, 17:55
Witam forumowiczów,

Mam problem jak w temacie , mianowicie mam PS4
z usterką braku napięcia na portach usb,

Czy ktoś miałby pomysł bo kręce się w kółko.

Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by Google Adsense [BOT] 23 August 2017, 17:55

#2 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 23 August 2017, 19:34

Measure voltages to ground on pins 23, 44, 55, 58, 66, 83, 85 and 86 of USB controller chip GL3520.

#3 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 24 August 2017, 07:28
in this mainboard no exist GL3520

#4 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 24 August 2017, 07:58
My mistake, I thought is is SAB board...

On this board USB ports are connected directly to the southbridge BGA.
I would start with replacing the SB.

#5 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 24 August 2017, 18:11
there is any way to confirm its a SB or only replace ?

#6 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 24 August 2017, 18:36
I don't know if it is a way to confirm.
You can measure resistance to ground on Vbus pin and on all data lines of both USB ports. But I doubt they are shorted.

I think that on this board is only southbridge which handle with USB ports.
If it is not the SB I think it could be only corrupted FLASH.

#7 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 7 September 2017, 11:55
i replace CXD90036G but console won't start
so am solder back old CXD90036G and console back alive but still no voltage on usb

i don't have idea wtf :(

#8 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 7 September 2017, 12:04
If the console won't start with new CXD90036G you probably get a bad chip, or the reball was unsuccessful.

If you have an option order chip CXD90036G again from another vendor.

#9 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 7 September 2017, 14:55
ok i replace another chip and back to the first point, console working but no usb voltage,

i measure data lines and they have no short to ground,

any ideas ?

#10 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 7 September 2017, 15:27
If so I think that the FLASH is corrupted.

Go to "Safe Mode" and try options 4, 5 and 6.


#11 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 7 September 2017, 16:02
i cant do that because controller not working :( no usb voltage and i cant pair it

#12 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 7 September 2017, 21:14
Of course, in Safe mode controller works only with USB cable my fault :oops:

Unfortunately the FLASH content is married with APU and BRD drive Renesas chip, so it is no option to reflash it with dump from another console.

Sorry, I have no more ideas. I don't know if it is possible to repair the FLASH content or not.

#13 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 8 September 2017, 07:15
thanks for all matic.

cable work flawlessly i tested ,

i need to resolve the problem not powering usb 5V but i dont have schematic,

maybe someone else has similary problem or have any ideas

#14 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by matic 18 September 2017, 19:29
It looks like that it is possible to repair the corrupted FLASH. ***Click***

P.s.: I have good FLASH dump from SAC-001 board, so I can upload it, if you need it.

#15 Re: PS4 SAC-001 brak napięcia USB

by adikomp 25 October 2017, 18:53
udało mi się dostać płytę z uszkodzoną przetwornicą więc naprawiłem i zmieniłem ,

na chwilę obecną płyta zostaje jako dawca na przyszłość.

dziękuję wszystkim za pomoc.

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