• Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region

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#1 Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region

matic 1 Травня 2018, 16:47
Server brand: QNAP
Model: NAS TS-251+
Motherboard: QW41, Rev.: 1.4

APU chip: Intel Celeron J1900 (SR1UT)
BIOS chip: Winbond W25Q64FW


I'm working on the mentioned server.
It is bad APU chip (main processor).

My question is, if it is necessary to clean the BIOS ME-region after replacement the APU chip?
If yes, is it good chances to do that on server BIOS?

I don't have much experience with the server repairs, and I don't want to order the new APU chip, if than turns out that it is bad chances to clan the BIOS ME-region, if it is necessary.

Motherboard and APU chip pictures:
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Re: Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region

Google Adsense [BOT] 1 Травня 2018, 16:47

#2 Re: Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region

matic 7 Травня 2018, 10:20

#3 Re: Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region  [РІШЕНО]

dominik555 7 Травня 2018, 21:53
In this case, it is more about the TXE Region, although the "repair" procedure is the same as in the case of the ME Region.

#4 Re: Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region

matic 23 Листопада 2019, 16:54
Hello after a long time; I forgot to release the results :oops: :frusty:

After replacing the APU hybrid, the machine worked smoothly.

I was able to locate the TXE region in BIOS, but it turned out that it was no necessary to clean it.

Thanks @dominik555 for your help!

Re: Replacing the APU chip and BIOS ME-region

Google Adsense [BOT] 23 Листопада 2019, 16:54

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