• SVOD i Nuvoton

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#1 SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 21 Квітня 2020, 13:15
Wymieniłem NPCE388NA1DX na płycie LA-D471P (Lenovo), a układ wziąłem z innej płyty Lenovo i wszystko działa ale klawisze na klawiaturze są pomieszane czyli trzeba przeprogramować wsad.

Używam programatora SVOD 1 z modułem klawiatur i zazwyczaj działa poprawnie ale gdy podłączam do tej płyty to pokazuje się informacja "Nuvoton series not detected"

Trochę mylące jest jak chcę dodać nową płytę i mam do wyboru tylko pinout ENE lub ITE. Próbowałem obu ale cały czas nie wykrywa Nuvotona.

Programator w wersji, firmware najnowszy.

Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

Google Adsense [BOT] 21 Квітня 2020, 13:15

#2 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

matic 21 Квітня 2020, 14:01

Please, post a screen of Svod connections (Setup -> Edit motherboard).

#3 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 21 Квітня 2020, 14:21

#4 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

matic 21 Квітня 2020, 14:37
If I'm not mistaken, the first contact is on the right side. Change that option:


#5 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 21 Квітня 2020, 14:43
Same thing. Nuvoton not detected.

#6 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

matic 21 Квітня 2020, 15:49
Use a continuity tester and check the connections:
- between pin 9 of Svod connector and pin 42 of KBC chip
- between pin 10 of Svod connector and pin 45 of KBC chip
- between pin 12 of Svod connector and pin 46 of KBC chip
- between pin 13 of Svod connector and pin 43 of KBC chip
- between pin 14 of Svod connector and pin 41 of KBC chip
- between pin 15 of Svod connector and pin 55 of KBC chip
- between pin 16 of Svod connector and pin 40 of KBC chip
- between pin 17 of Svod connector and pin 44 of KBC chip
- between pin 18 of Svod connector and pin 58 of KBC chip
- between pin 19 of Svod connector and pin 57 of KBC chip
- between pin 20 of Svod connector and pin 39 of KBC chip
- between pin 21 of Svod connector and pin 60 of KBC chip
- between pin 22 of Svod connector and pin 59 of KBC chip
- between pin 23 of Svod connector and pin 48 of KBC chip
- between pin 26 of Svod connector and pin 56 of KBC chip

#7 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 22 Квітня 2020, 10:00
All connections are fine although you started counting from different side. On my SVOD programmer the first pin is marked on the left side of the connector so according to your list it would be pin 32.

#8 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

matic 22 Квітня 2020, 11:18
janoszw написав:All connections are fine although you started counting from different side. On my SVOD programmer the first pin is marked on the left side of the connector so according to your list it would be pin 32.
In this case the pin 1 is on the right side of connector, as I said in post #4. So, the connections are ok.

Try to change the chip family to "ENE" in Svod software.
Make sure you have connected ground between motherboard and Svod programmer.

#9 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 22 Квітня 2020, 11:24
I have already tried with ENE and the ground is connected.
The programmer works fine with other chips. There is only problem with this Nuvoton. Maybe the NPCE388 is not supported?

#10 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

matic 22 Квітня 2020, 12:17
Try with the following connections:


#11 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 22 Квітня 2020, 12:30
NUVOTON series not detected

#12 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

matic 22 Квітня 2020, 12:42
Check the connections with continuity tester again (pin 1 of Svod connector is on the right side)
- between pin 9 of Svod connector and pin 42 of KBC chip
- between pin 22 of Svod connector and pin 59 of KBC chip
- between pin 21 of Svod connector and pin 60 of KBC chip
- between pin 24 of Svod connector and pin 61 of KBC chip
- between pin 25 of Svod connector and pin 62 of KBC chip

If the connections are ok, check if 3,3V power supply is present on pin 9 of KBC hip.

#13 Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

janoszw 22 Квітня 2020, 12:52
Connections are fine.
3.3V on pin 9 of KBC present (The motherboard works so I guess it can't be otherwise)

Re: SVOD i Nuvoton

Google Adsense [BOT] 22 Квітня 2020, 12:52
Ця тема позначена як АРХІВНИЙ. Відповідайте лише в тому випадку, якщо ваша відповідь містить рішення проблеми (Правила Форуму, п. 12.1).

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